The Family First Center empowers the entire family with the necessary tools to change their lives

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Family First Center participates in Comacast Cares Day 2013

This past Saturday, the Family First Center partnered with multiple community organizations to conduct the yearly Comcast Cares Day. Over 7000 volunteers across the state of Illinois in 17 communities decided to take part in this day of community service. In Waukegan, the FFC was packed with over 150 local volunteers eager to put their back into it, continuing the legacy of the 5000+ volunteers that have participated in the Waukegan Comcast Cares day since it began in 2001.

But before breaking a sweat, the volunteers congregated on the third floor of the Center to hear commencement speeches from community leaders.

Keynote speakers included:

  • Evelyn Chenier, Ph.D., Executive Director at the Family First Support Center
  • Robert G. Sabonjian, Mayor of Waukegan
  • John I. Caples Jr., Pastor of Jesus Name Apostolic Church
  • Sam Cunningham, First Ward Alderman of Waukegan
  • Jennifer Witherspoon, Chief of the Lake County Jail
  • Anita Hanna, Vice President of the Waukegan school board
  • Nada Finn, member of Green Town Waukegan/Supervisor of Madeleine Fuqua Waukegan Community Garden

Looking around the room, Pastor John I. Caples Jr. proudly proclaimed that the crowd before him did not represent Waukegan as a community divided by race, ethnicity, or culture. He asked the audience to celebrate this day of togetherness as they worked hand in hand with one another to better the community. "Waukegan is on the rise, and it's on the rise because of people like you" First Ward Alderman Sam Cunningham commended the volunteers. Chief Witherspoon emphasized that she was grateful for the service work not only as the chief, but as a mother as well. She stated firmly that we must "make youth understand that this is their house... because Waukegan is a wonderful place to live."

The heads of each volunteer site also expressed their thanks for the service provided. Beyond her gratitude, school board VP Anita Hanna, reminded volunteers that this work was ultimately an investment in the Washington Campus of Waukegan High School. Nada Finn, Green Town member and community garden supervisor, also thanked the volunteers, concluding "it's a blessing to have us all here".

Afterwards, all 150+ volunteers posed out to the front of the FFC building to take the famous group photo before trekking over to one of the two volunteer sites. Volunteers at both the garden and high school painted, mulched, and planted their hearts out; even the kids joined in! Pictures of their service is posted on our "Photos" page listed in the right-hand column under "Home".

Everyone put in a hard day's work with a smile on their face, and we can't begin to thank you all enough!!! We are very proud to be a part of this caring community!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

FFC recruits volunteers for Comcast Cares Day!

Every year during Comcast Cares Day, volunteers gather at a public location to give back to the community by planting gardens, beautifying schools, and providing technology setup to community centers. This Saturday, April 27, 2013 from 7am to 1pm, volunteers will come together to beautify Waukegan High School and Madeleine Fuqua Waukegan Community Garden!!!

Several institutions have worked to organize this event, including Family First Center of Lake County, CeasefireGreen Town Waukegan, F.I.S.T., Townline Design, Landscape Concepts Management, Wild Ones, and more.

Volunteers are invited to meet on the third floor of the FFC Building at 202 S. Genessee Street, Waukegan 60085 for a free continental breakfast, to register, and to pick up their free T-shirt at 7am. Around 8am, volunteers will carpool with one another to the site that they chose to serve. Volunteers at the Waukegan High School can expect to do some minor school grounds gardening, touch-up painting, and refurbishing of bulletin boards. Volunteers for the Community Garden can expect to do more gardening and general clean-up. We encourage volunteers to wear clothes that they do not mind getting dirty. A free lunch will also be provided.

If you would like to sign up and have not yet, you can do it online or in person on the second floor of the FFC Building. Come support your community, lend a helping hand, and socialize with community-carers like you! For those who cannot make it, we will post pictures of this special day to show our volunteer effort :)